Christian Eriksen Girlfriend ‘Sabrina Kvist Jensen’

1. name: Sabrina Kvist Jensen
2. age: 28 years old
3. job: Hairdresser
4. nationality: Danish
5. Instagram ID: n/a
6. love story

Who is Christian Eriksen girlfriend?

Christian Eriksen has been in a long-term relationship with his lovely girlfriend Sabrina Kvist Jensen.

The couple first started to date back in 2012. On August 11 they celebrated their 8th anniversary.

However, the couple had hard time for some period, as there were rumors that Sabrina cheated on Eriksen with his teammate, Jan Vertonghen. However, Vertonghen and Eriksen denied the rumors, saying that it is bulls***.

Eriksen and Kvist are still not married, but we believe that it is just a matter of time before they take things further.

Who is Sabrina Kvist Jensen?

After we learned when the couple started to date, let’s take a look into Sabrina Kvist biography.

Sabrina Kvist Jensen was born on August 24, 1992, meaning that her age is 28. According to her birthday, Sabrina Kvist’s zodiac sign is Virgo.

Sabrina Kvist Jensen was born in Tommerup in Denmark, meaning that her nationality is Danish.

Sabrina Kvist prefers to keep a low profile and she does not like to share personal information.

However, as far as we know Sabrina Kvist Jensen job is a hairdresser, as she has a hairdressing education, which she finished before she moved with her partner to England.

Sabrina has an Instagram profile, but it is set to private, but from what we’ve seen she is supporting the Fodboldfonden organisation which looks to help children in poverty. You can check Sabrina Kvist Instagram here.

Do the couple have children? The answer is, yes.

Eriksen and Kvist have been blessed with one lovely child. In 2017, they announced that they were expecting their first child, and in 2018 Sabrina Kvist Jensen gave birth to Eriksen’s son, who they named Alfred Eriksen.

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