1xbet wednesday bonus

Bonuses from the 1xbet bookmaker office are available to everyone. New players can get $100 or $130 for their first 1xbet gaming account. To receive the repeat deposit bonus, users must participate in the “Lucky Friday” and “Wednesday – X2” promotions.

How to use “Wednesday” bonus

When the conditions of use of the bonus have been studied, players can only bet on the sport and wait for the outcome of the match. Players are advised not to place bets on integer values ​​for bet types such as “Total” and “Fora” as calculated bets with a factor of “1” cannot explain the reason.

Choose a sport – football, basketball, tennis, hockey, volleyball or any other, add more than two bets to the coupon. Players can use Live/Line events to do this, and can also combine live express with live events. By adding a bet slip for the “Express of the Day” promotion, the player will need to remove the bonus – increase the coefficient by 10%.

How to receive ” Wednesday x2″ bonus?

Many players may experience bonus errors after depositing on Wednesday. This may lead to 1xbet cheating and diluted views, but this is not the case. Each promotion has terms and conditions, and upon meeting these terms and conditions, players will receive 100% of the deposit amount. The activation of the reward program is as follows:

  • The promotion is valid for one week starting from Friday of the current week.

  • Registered users can take part in a betting office, who have received the “Lucky Friday” bonus and played it back.

  • If a valid sports or casino game bonus is available, the user will not be able to receive the Wednesday x2 promotion privilege.

  • The amount of the bonus depends on the amount of the deposit. A single deposit must not exceed $100, and must be less than $1. For users with currency – American dollar, it is necessary to make a deposit not less than 1$.


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